Health & Safety
Medical Profile
A medical profile is medical information about your child. The school will need this information from you if your child requires medication to be kept in school, or has a medical condition that may need attention in school.
Examples include: Epilepsy / seizures (Bucolam), asthma (inhaler), nut allergies (antihistamine and / or epipen) etc.
Please note: Our school staff are not medical professionals and we will rely on the information supplied by parents in their child’s medical profile. Please consult with your doctor if you need advice on when staff should administer medication, phone for an ambulance etc. Please take note of the expiry date of your child’s medication before you drop it in to the school.
Medication Form 2024-2025
Here is the Medical Profile Form for the school year 2024-2025. This is for new pupils to the school, or if your child’s medication or medical requirements have changed since the 2023 – 2024 school year. If you have previously filled in a form and your child’s medical needs have not changed, there is no need to fill in a new form.